This recipe was designed to finish off my Cascades from last year. The grain bill is lame, that's because it's what I had on hand and I didn't feel like taking a trip to the homebrew store.
"The Pounder"
10 gallon batch
23 lbs 2-row
1 lb wheat
2 oz chocolate for color
3 oz Cascade, whole leaf, FWH
1 oz Cascade at 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 5 minutes
3 oz Cascade at flameout
That's a pound of hops, hence "The Pounder".
Wyeast 1272
OG: 1.067, actual 1.066
FG: 1.017
SRM: 10
IBU: 92
ABV: 6.5%
Oct 20: This has been on tap for a couple of weeks, and is just now becoming an excellent beer. The hops are strong, but smooth. This is perhaps the hoppiest beer I've ever made, definitely hoppier than Arrogant Bastard.
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