10 gallons
20 lbs 2-row
Mash at 150F for 90 minutes. I read in the Brewmaster's Bible that I should mash for 90 minutes at this temp.
1/2 oz Willamette, FWH
2 oz Northern Brewer, 60 minutes
2 oz Cascade, 5 minutes
90 minute boil
Wyeast 1272 from batch 87.
OG: 1.060 actual
Kegged April 26.
FG: 1.012 actual
Primed the kegs with 8 oz table sugar dissolved in 1 pint water, poured half of the priming sugar in each keg. I don't usually carbonate naturally, but I figure that I really should. These will likely sit for a few weeks anyway, might as well let the yeast carb the kegs so they are ready sooner once they are in the beer fridge. I used the handy calculator here to calculate how much sugar to use for priming.
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