Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Batches 175 and 176, a double batch day

Batches 174 and 175

Lisa is gone traveling, so I'm home alone. Thought I'd knock out a batch of Panama Red early since it is going to get hot today. Things went really well, so I went ahead and did a second batch of Guava IPA. I should have skipped the second batch, the guava clogged up the screen in the boil kettle, so I ended up emptying it by hand with the temperature hitting around 110F in the beer shed. Not particularly pleasant.

Batch 175: Panama Red, 10 gallons

It's the usual recipe --

20.25 lb 2 row
1.5 lb crystal 60
1.5 lb wheat
0.25 lb chocolate

2 oz Mt Hood, FWH (90 minute boil)
2 oz Centennial, 60 min
2 oz Cascade, 30 min
2 oz Mt Hood, 5 min
2 oz Cascade, 5 min

Wyeast 1272 American Ale II

OG: 10.61
FG: 1.015
IBU: 64
SRM: 13
ABV: 5.9%

Batch 176, Guava IPA, 10 gallons

17 lb 2 row
7 lb Munich
4.4 lb guava paste (2 kg), added at flame out
1.5 lb wheat

2 oz Citra, FWH (90 minute boil)
2 oz Magnum 60 min
3 oz Citra 5 min

Wyeast 1318 London Ale III

OG: 1.071
FG: 1.019
IBU: 87
SRM: 9
ABV: 6.8%

Blended the guava paste with some Leeser to make a smooth, thick, liquid. This worked well last time, but this time, there was enough guava particles that it clogged the screen.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Batch 174, Guava IPA at the Edge

Brewed the Guava IPA recipe I've been working on at the Edge.

Batch Size17.340 galBoil Size19.340 gal
Boil Time60.000 minEfficiency85%
ABV7.0%Bitterness93.8 IBU (Tinseth)
Color7.9 srm (Morey)Calories (per 12 oz.)245


Total grain: 47.000 lb
Pale Malt (2 Row) USGrain28.000 lbYesNo79%2.0 srm
Munich Malt - 10LGrain12.000 lbYesNo77%10.0 srm
Guava pasteSugar4.500 lbNoYes82%10.0 srm
White Wheat MaltGrain2.500 lbYesNo86%2.0 srm


Citra13.8%3.500 ozFirst Wort90.000 minLeaf33.1
Magnum13.5%6.000 ozBoil60.000 minLeaf50.4
Citra13.8%6.000 ozBoil5.000 minLeaf10.3


Irish MossFiningBoil1.212 tbsp15.000 min


Wyeast - London Ale IIIAleLiquid0.528 cupPrimary


NameTypeAmountTempTarget TempTime
Conversion Step, 68CInfusion13.281 gal173.658 F158.000 F60.000 min
Final Batch SpargeInfusion11.244 gal186.766 F165.200 F15.000 min


Like before, I blended the guava paste so it was smooth and thick and added it at flame out. No problem with clogging. Dry hopped with 4 oz Citra on Aug 12.