Thursday, June 20, 2024

Batch 296, A Red Seal clone

 Red Seal is one of my favorite beers, so I'm attempting a clone. I found this clone recipe somewhere on the internet - actually, I found several and sort of combined them to come up with this recipe.

10 gallon batch - I'm back north, so I'm brewing on my 10 gallon system in the shed in my backyard.

23 lb 2-row

1 lb 6 oz Crystal 60

1.6 oz Roasted barly

7 oz wheat, because that's all I had

Mashed at 154F with 8 gallons, collected 4 gallons, sparged with an additional 8 gallons.

2.5 oz Centennial, 60 min

1.5 oz Centennial, 10 min

2.5 oz Cascade, 10 min

90 minute boil. After fermentation, my plan is to cold crash, transfer the beer to another fermenter, and dry hop with 1 oz Cascade for a day or so.

Wyeast 1272, American Ale II.

OG: 1.055, hit it dead on

FG: 1.014

ABV: 5.5%

IBU: 41

SRM: 11.2

Calories/12 oz: 181

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