Saturday, August 2, 2014

Batch 158, Gemutlich at the Edge

I finally got time to brew at the Edge on the pilot system. I went with Gemutlich because it's a recipe I've done a few times and it's not an over the top recipe, so if I've screwed up the recipe quantities adjusting for the bigger system, it should still be okay. Kerry, the head brewer at the Edge, was a huge help in getting this batch going and in the fermenter.

20 gallon batch

Batch Size17.576 galBoil Size20.076 gal
Boil Time90.000 minEfficiency70%
ABV5.4%Bitterness24.8 IBU (Tinseth)
Color7.0 srm (Morey)Calories (per 12 oz.)169


Total grain: 41.905 lb
Pale Malt (2 Row) USGrain20.952 lbYesNo79%2.0 srm
Munich Malt - 10LGrain10.476 lbYesNo77%10.0 srm
White Wheat MaltGrain6.667 lbYesNo86%2.0 srm
Oats, FlakedGrain2.857 lbYesNo80%1.0 srm
HoneyExtract7.619 ozNoNo75%1.0 srm
MolassesSugar7.619 ozNoNo78%80.0 srm


Super Styrian7.5%3.810 ozBoil60.000 minPellet21.6
Saaz (USA)3.8%5.714 ozBoil5.000 minPellet3.2


WLP090 - San Diego Super YeastAleLiquid1 qtPrimary


NameTypeAmountTempTarget TempTime
Conversion Step, 68C Infusion12.798 gal169.495 F154.400 F60.000 min
Final Batch SpargeInfusion12.526 gal183.886 F165.200 F15.000 min

I see now that I did make a mistake, I meant to bump up the efficiency to 85%. This may come out more on the malty side instead of well balanced like it usually is.

The pilot system is pretty sweet. All stainless and quick connects everywhere. It does fly sparging, which I'd never done before. It's pretty easy.

Here's a picture of the system:

The boil kettle is filled really full, so foam drops are a big help.

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